
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What's In A Name?

Hi everyone!
You want some exciting news?  One of my YA novels is FINALLY coming out soon!  The only problem?  I need a new name for this fantastic piece.  The "board" and I have come up with two that we think will be perfect for this story.  Can you help me narrow it down?

Here's the summary:
P.S. If you like the sound of this book, please add it to your To Be Read list and send this link to your friends!

Experience THE BALLAD OF TAM LIN like you’ve never read it before…

It has been seven years since Jeanette Sauderheim followed her best friend into Carver Hall Park...and came out alone. Jeanette has never gotten over his mysterious disappearance nor has she gone back into the park. While that traumatic night still haunts her, Jeanette distracts herself by balancing her time between trying to pass Spanish, hanging out with her friends, and reading the latest manga.

But, when a promise to a friend drives her back into the park, she's forced to re-live the memories of that night. Lost and confused, Jeanette crosses paths with Tamrin, whose the violent reaction to her provides yet another reason to avoid the park.

Tamrin, a knight of the Summer Court, has been sent to earth to guard a patch of roses that hold special meaning to the queen of the faeries. When his distraction at meeting Jeanette leads to her picking one of the Summer Queen’s roses, Tamrin vows to right his failure to do his duty.

However, the equivalent of one of the queen’s roses is a human heart and Tamrin’s reluctance to readily exact the sum from Jeanette sets in motion a spiral of love, betrayal, and magic that could mean damnation for them both.

Now you vote!
Note: the options below are the actual two title suggestions.

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