Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time Share

Quick apologies for being out of the blogosphere for a few days.  I'm working on a ton of things right now!

What to look forward to:

The Alchemist's Perfect Instrument (a weird Steampunk short) is coming out next Thursday with Tease.

Salvation Station (a weird Urban Fantasy/Paranormal short) is going to be part of a spooky Halloween anthology coming out in October with Tease.

I've just completed two borderline erotic Steampunk shorts.  One, with luck, will be part of an anthology with Ravenous Romance and the other one will hopefully go to a larger e-pub house.

As some of you know my YA Paranormal Romance, Scar-Crossed, is out on submission in NY right now.  I haven't heard anything back yet, but hopefully something wonderful will happen soon.

My agent is looking at The Will of the Fallen (adult Urban Fantasy with angels, demons, and a new type of vampire -yes, they do exist!-)  Maybe she'll like it and take it on :)

I'm working on two YA projects.  One's a cyberpunk and the other is a...I don't really know what to call it yet.  Some kind of pre-apocalypse, post Zombie-like religious enthusiast take over novel...

Finally, I'm reading my friend Lia Habel's novel Dearly, Departed so that I'm prepared to write a review and have her as a guest blogger next month. :)

Apologies for the delays on regular posts.  Another lit-oriented post will be up shortly.

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